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How do I use the Septi +?

1. Pour the amount of Septi + indicated on your calendar into the toilet.

2. Flush the toilet and try not to use a lot of water for (7-8 hours). That is: avoid showers, laundry loads, etc. Normally, our clients do the treatment before going to bed.

What do you recommend for sealed tanks and grey water tanks?

There is no need to treat your sealed tank with Septi +. However, you could try a treatment with Septi + if you have odor problems that you cannot solve.

However, we recommend treating grey water tanks with SeptiDrain. Please contact us for a personalized evaluation at 1-800-378-6132

Do your products work with advanced systems?

Please check with your supplier to see if your advanced system is under warranty or contact us at 1-800-378-6132.

Can I use the SeptiDrain to unclog the drains in my house?

Yes, SeptiDrain also acts as an ecological drain unclogger.

Pour 250 ml into the drain you want to unclog.

OPTION 1 – If the drain is just slow and not clogged, do not run water down the drain after pouring the product for 7-8 hours.

OPTION 2 – If the drain is completely clogged and water is stagnant in the drain, pour 250 ml into the drain and fill the drain with lukewarm water, then wait 7-8 hours without pouring water into this drain.

Do your products work with sumps and soak pits?

All our products for septic systems are also adapted to the treatment of cesspools and soakaways.

The products and the quantities to be used are the same… Only the way of treatment may vary!

Please specify that you have a sump when ordering. The consultant will then be able to offer you the right recommendations.

How often should I add Septi +?

Unless the consultant has personally recommended a different treatment frequency, Septi + should be added by the toilet every month (MONTHLY TREATMENT).

Should I have my septic tank emptied before applying your products?

Normally, it is not necessary to pump the septic tank before shock treatment. However, if the level in your septic tank is dropping very slowly, you may want to pump it dry to give your leaching field a break before shock treatment. Please discuss this with your consultant so that he/she can advise you on the best way to proceed.

You don’t have to wait for your septic tank to be emptied before starting the maintenance. If your tank is due to be emptied in a few weeks, you can wait if you want. Otherwise, start the treatment as soon as you receive the products.

How do I do the shock treatment?

There are several ways to perform shock treatments and it really depends on your specific situation. This is why a consultant will contact you personally when you order. They want to be able to recommend the best treatment and the best way to perform it to solve your problem.

Please refer to the SHOCK TREATMENT sheet that has been written specifically for you, based on the consultant’s recommendations.

If you can no longer find the SHOCK TREATMENT sheet, you can write us or call us at 1-800- 378-6132. We will be happy to assist you and send you a new sheet in PDF format if necessary.

What is the best time to perform the shock treatment?

You can shock-treat throughout the year. There is no real “best time” to shock-treat.

However, if the water level in your septic tank is very high due to saturated soils (heavy rains, flooded land), it would be better to wait for the soils to dry out a bit before doing the treatment and to avoid using water in the house to give the water level in the septic tank a chance to drop. You can then carry out the treatment without any problems.

It is not necessary to wait until spring to do the shock treatment. You can do it even in winter. The cold of winter does not really affect the system. It is very rare for septic systems to freeze. The biodegradation process produces heat that keeps the system at an adequate temperature even during our harsh Canadian winters.

How much Septi + should I add?

Use the calendar you received with your products or the number of people in the home to determine how much to add. Here are our recommendations:

1 person = ¼ bag per month

2 persons = 1/3 bag per month

3-4 persons = ½ bag per month

5-6 persons = 2/3 per month

7-8 persons = ¾ per month

9-10 persons = 1 bag per month