
In the interests of compliance and transparency, Bio-Sol commits itself publicly to comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act of Canada. This policy therefore aims to inform you, dear customers, about the way in which we collect and use your personal data. It also highlights the efforts of Bio-Sol with respect to the protection of these data and the mechanisms that have been put in place in order to avoid any possible abuse. We hope, by this policy, to answer all your questions relating to confidentiality. If you do not find what you are looking for on this page, please do not hesitate to contact the resource person in the area of privacy protection and management of personal data (see section 1).

The following are the various points covered:

1. Responsibility

2. Collection and Use of Data

3. Consent

4. Restrictions

5. Security

6. Accuracy and Access

7. Complaints

8. Changes to the Privacy Policy

Bio-Sol wishes to emphasize that it will do everything in its power to offer you the best possible buying experience. The company is careful to protect your privacy since it knows that your satisfaction, as a client, depends on it. The company would not have become what it is today without you. It’s thanks to your confidence that Bio-Sol can continue, year after year, to offer a biological and effective solution for septic systems. Bio-Sol considers your confidence its highest priority. It is a sacred trust that it intends to keep. So here is the privacy policy that has been put in place.

1 – Responsibility (Liability)

Bio-Sol declares itself responsible for the Personal Information placed at its disposal and under its supervision.

A Few Definitions

Personal information is data collected for different purposes falling within the scope of the personal life of an individual. This individual, in the case that we are considering, is a client of Bio-Sol.

A client, in the framework of this policy, is the term used to designate any person interested in the products and services of Bio-Sol or having already made a transaction with the enterprise.

Resource Person

In order to establish adequate mechanisms and maximum protection of its customers, Bio-Sol has appointed a resource person. You can contact this person in two ways:

1. By E-mail :

[email protected]

2. By Mail

719 rue de Chicoutimi

Granby, QC

J2H 2M8


Please do not hesitate to write me if you have any questions.

It will be a pleasure to serve you!

Jean-Sébastien Gagné,

Resource person for customer privacy protection


Note : The maximum time limit for responding to an inquiry is 30 days. However, the resource person will enter in contact with you as quickly as possible.


The website of Bio-Sol includes hyperlinks leading to other web sites for which Bio-Sol has no ownership. Therefore, the company cannot be held responsible for the actions and transactions on any other web site than their own.

The URL address of the web site of Bio-Sol is the following:

Home page

Please refer to the privacy policy of the company administering the web site in question if the URL address differs from that mentioned above.

PayPal and credit information

Bio-Sol does not collect any data relating to credit information on its web site. The company requires the services of Secure Payment of PayPal in order to guarantee the best possible protection to its clients. However, Bio-Sol cannot be held responsible if a problem occurs on the PayPal web site. In case of dispute, contact us at 1-800-378-6132 in order that we do a control check with Paypal or contact their customer service directly.

For more information, visit the PayPal web site:

2 – Collection and Use of Data

Personal information may be collected on the web site of Bio-Sol, via telephone, by mail or in person during a visit to the company office situated at 719 Chicoutimi Street in Granby.

On Bio-Sol’s web site

Bio-Sol may collect personal information on its web site in several ways. When you use the online forms of Bio-Sol, data is transmitted to a database to be stored. The web site of Bio-Sol also uses cookies in order to collect data reserved for statistical purposes. Log files may be used to improve the user experience.

Here is precisely what data Bio-Sol collects on its web site…

Google Analytics and AdWords

By using (cookies) :

– Geographical origin of the visitor

– Languages displayed

– Operating System

– IP Address

– Day and hour of the connection

– Pages visited and requests

– Sequence of pages

– Pixel of conversion

Statistics of the Web application

By clicking on the button ‘Order’ at the end of the Web application:

– 4 selections made by the user

– Outcome of the analysis

The order

Once the transaction is completed:

– Date

– Name

– Name of the Company (if applicable )

– Email Address

– Postal Address / Postal code

– Phone Number

– Information about the Septic Installation

– Administrative Information

– Order Details**

* The data concerning the details of the order are also used for statistical purposes.

Sending a Testimony

By clicking on the ‘Send’ button of the page Testimonials:

– Name

– City

– Date

– Note on 5

– Picture

Note : : If you want to modify or delete a testimony posted on the web site, send us an e-mail to the address [email protected] including your name, the city and the date on which the testimony was sent. We will quickly respond to your request.

Sending a message by email

By clicking the ‘Send’ button on the Contact Us page or by sending us an e-mail directly to one of our e-mail addresses (ex : [email protected]) :

– Name

– Telephone Number

– E-mail

– Topic

– Message

Via Telephone

In order to better understand your situation and to offer you the best service possible, our representatives use a sale form. The representatives of Bio-Sol will ask for a customer’s authorization before asking a few questions listed on this form. Once the authorization is obtained, the verbal responses transmitted by the client are transcribed in writing to facilitate record keeping. Here is a list of the data collected:

– Date

– Name

– Name of the Company (if applicable )

– Email Address

– Postal Address / Postal code

– Phone Number

– Information about the Septic Installation

– Administrative Information

– Credit Information (if applicable)

By Mail

By filling in the coupon contained in our publicity mailing:

– Date

– Name

– Postal Address / Postal code

– Phone Number

– Information about the Septic Installation

In Person

During your visit to Bio-Sol’s office, representatives of Bio-Sol can collect the same personal information as via telephone.

Physical or Virtual Data

The data collected can be either printed or written on a physical medium, or virtual and contained in a database. It may be that a virtual data is printed on a physical support in order to facilitate its use; in this case, the data is kept both in a database and in a physical space built for this purpose.

Filtering of Testimonies

In order to avoid abuse of any kind, Bio-Sol reserves the right to filter the testimonies contained on its web site. In fact, it is the responsibility of Bio-sol to ensure the correct posting of testimonies on its web site. Here are some of the reasons for which a testimony could be denied:

– Spam or spamming

– Impertinent Testimony

– Offensive or Threatening Testimony

3 – Consentement

No data collected by Bio-Sol will be used against the wishes of the customer.


Consent is said to be implicit when the action posed by the client does not require a particular request with regard to the sharing of personal data. In the specific case of Bio-Sol, most of the data is transmitted when a customer completes, voluntarily, one of the forms provided on the web site of Bio-Sol. The company considers that their decision to complete one of these forms is sufficient to obtain the implicit consent of the client and that it is not necessary to request an explicit confirmation.


The representatives of Bio-Sol have recourse to the explicit consent each time they wish to collect personal information via phone.

To prevent the collection of data by (cookies)

If you do not want Bio-Sol to collect data automatically through the use of cookies, we suggest that you use software to block that from happening (for example, the extension Disconnect which offers you this possibility).

To avoid the collection of data via the Internet

If you do not want Bio-Sol to collect data concerning you via the Internet, please contact us directly by phone at 1-800-378-6132. One Bio-Sol’s representatives will be more than happy to serve you!

4 – Restrictions

Bio-Sol strives to collect only the data necessary for a satisfactory customer experience. The statistics allow Bio-Sol to refine its service in order to better serve its clients now and in the future. The information voluntarily given by completing one of the company’s forms enables Bio-Sol to better serve its clients and meet their expectations.

The transmission of data

The personal information collected by Bio-Sol is reserved for the exclusive use of Bio-Sol. However, it can occur, during exceptional situations, that one or more data is transmitted to one of its collaborators (for example, its supplier or one of its distributors). This practice is uncommon and remains strictly in the best interest of the client.

Note : Under no circumstances is your personal information shared for commercial purposes.

The duration of the conservation of data

The data collected is stored in a safe place for several years in order to facilitate recovery. Most of our customers renew their control periodically, so it is useful to keep them. If no transaction has been carried out after a reasonable time, Bio-Sol retains the right to destroy the unnecessary data. Nevertheless, no data contained in the Billing History will be destroyed.

5 – Security

Bio-Sol has taken reasonable security measures according to the type of data collected. Physical data is kept in a secure place where only authorized personnel have the right to access it. Virtual data that is not for public use is only accessible via a secure platform.

Note : Only authorized personnel have the right to consult the data collected.

The preventive measures put in place

Physical data : they are located in a closed off space and are under the supervision of a qualified person. In the absence of this person, an alarm system protects against theft.

Virtual Data : Several measures have been put in place including access management by identifiers, the addition of a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, a firewall, etc.


Any unauthorized use is liable to sanction, and in the eventuality that a person is a victim of a violation of privacy, they will be notified immediately. However, Bio-Sol has never experienced such an incident in more than 20 years of existence and the company takes the necessary means in order to avoid that such an incident occurs. Therefore, Bio-Sol’s customers can be assured of the security of their personal information.


In order to ensure the safest service possible, no credit information is collected directly on the web site of Bio-Sol. To perform a transaction on the web site of Bio-Sol, you must use the secure payment service offered by Paypal.

6 – Accuracy and Access

Accuracy of Data

Bio-Sol recognizes the importance of ensuring the accuracy of the data in its possession. That is why the representatives of Bio-Sol verify the accuracy of a client’s information when it is time for renewal. If their data on file is no longer accurate, the representative will correct it at this time.

Access to Data

The clients of Bio-Sol can have access to the data in their file at any time. If you wish to consult it, please contact the resource person in one of these two ways:

1. By E-mail :

[email protected]

2. By Mail

719 rue de Chicoutimi

Granby, QC

J2H 2M8

7 – Complaints

If you believe you are the victim of a violation of privacy, contact the resource person in one of these three ways:

1. By E-mail :

[email protected]

2. By Mail

719 rue de Chicoutimi

Granby, QC

J2H 2M8

3. By Telephone :


Note : Upon receiving a complaint, an investigation will be conducted and a decision will be rendered. The resource person will communicate with you in order to inform you of the measures which have been taken.

8 – Modifications to the company’s Privacy Policy

Bio-Sol reserves the right to modify its Privacy Policy at any time. The changes made will come into force the moment they are displayed on the web page of Bio-Sol. In the event of major changes, Bio-Sol will take the appropriate means to warn its customers.

Questions ? ?

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to communicate with our resource person in one of these two ways:

1. By E-mail :

[email protected]

2. By Mail

719 rue de Chicoutimi

Granby, QC

J2H 2M8