Everything a Canadian Septic System Owner Should Know

Category: Septic system
24 Jan 2023

How to tell if you have a septic tank or a sewer

Homeowners and renters who live in small communities, rural areas, cottages or even some restaurants are typically not connected to municipal sewer lines. In such cases, the homeowners must provide their own water and sewage systems. A septic system is an onsite treatment unit that is used in the place of the municipal waste treatment. It compromises of the septic tank, an interconnection of pipes, and billions of microorganisms which help in the processing of waste. Water and other waste, that goes down the drain, eventually ends up in the septic tank. In a collective waste treatment plant, wastewater is conveyed in a sanitary sewer (if it’s only sewage) or in a combined sewer (industrial waste included) to the main treatment plant.  At this plant, the effluent is treated and converted into water that can be safely fed back into the water cycle.

Is it safe to have a septic tank?

Having a septic tank is totally fine – as long as you maintain it properly. Most homeowners mess up their septic systems because of the corrosive and harmful products they flush or pour down the drain. It is important to remember that the health of your septic system depends on the health of the helpful bacteria therein. Septic tank owners must ensure to only use products that are septic safe. Additionally, routine maintenance is highly recommended. For instance, using keepup products will help your system to work optimally throughout the next month and it will also help to improve its longevity. As the New York Times reports; it is also important to check the efficiency of a septic system when buying a new house.

Note: If you are buying a new house, make sure to check the health of the septic system first in order to avoid some bad surprises.

Types of septic systems – which one should you choose?

Before you install a septic system on your property, you will need to consult with a qualified engineer. The engineer will perform a couple of tests to establish what kind of soil you have and its rate of percolation. Knowing the depth of the water table is also very important in determining the most ideal septic system to install on your property. Based on the tests he performs, the engineer will recommend whether you should install a conventional or an advanced septic system.

Septic systems can have up to three different wastewater treatment techniques.

Technique 1: primary treatment

In primary septic tanks, sewage is treated in the septic tank after which it is released into the drainfield without any additional treatment. If you have poor soil quality, you will need to add an advanced system after the primary treatment in order to end up with higher quality effluent.

Technique 2: advanced secondary treatment

In advanced secondary treatment, the wastewater goes through an additional treatment step to achieve higher quality wastewater before discharging it to the soil. For example, air and biological process may be used to remove suspended solids and biodegradable organic matter. It normally comes with an additional tank, known as a bioreactor where wastewater is purified further.

Technique 3: tertiary treatment

Tertiary septic systems are more sophisticated and they can produce wastewater that is 10 times more purified than the wastewater that leaves the average home. Phosphorous removal and ultraviolet (UV) light systems may also be used to disinfect the water before releasing it to the drain field. Most tertiary systems release the treated wastewater directly into nature although some also have a small seepage bed. These systems are ideal for places with too slow or very rapid percolation rates, or in situations where there is limited space that wouldn’t be sufficient for a conventional system.

Is it still possible to install a cesspool?

A Cesspool sometimes referred to as a leaching pool, is a pit whose walls are made of concrete, cement blocks or bricks. Wastewater flows into the cesspool and then percolates into the soil through the perforated walls. Cesspools were popular in the 1980s and you can, therefore, find them in old houses. Because the absorption system in cesspools was limited, they would block pretty quickly. To overcome this challenge, a newer version of the cesspool was introduced which typically serves as an overflow pit from the septic tank. This way, the septic tank holds any solid waste and only the wastewater gets into the cesspool. Over time, the drainage area around the cesspool gets saturated and that makes it necessary to dig another cesspool to handle the volume. Because of these unique challenges, Cesspools are no longer installed in new houses. However, if you bought an old house, you might find it has a cesspool. In Quebec, homeowners with septic systems that were installed before 1981 have acquired rights. This means they can continue using the old cesspool as long as it is working okay and it’s not causing any pollution to the environment.


What is a conventional septic system?

A conventional septic system is a system that only has a septic tank and a drainfield. As such, it is the simplest and also the most affordable system on the market. This is probably why the conventional septic system is the most commonly implemented system for small households. In fact, most of the non-conventional septic systems are usually installed when it is not feasible to use or install a conventional septic system. However, there are very strict regulations on septic system installation. For this reason, a good chunk of homeowners are required to install advanced systems to avoid getting into bad books with local authorities.

What is the advanced septic system?

An advanced septic system is different from the conventional one in that it is usually implemented when the soil conditions cannot allow for a normal septic tank or if the wastewater is too strong for the receiving environment, e.g. in restaurant waste (Source). An alternative system cleans the waste by reducing pathogens, nutrients, and organic load before discharging the water into the environment. An alternative septic system uses a smaller drainfield so they require less soil. This also means that the soil restrictions and standoffs to the water table are significantly reduced. When using a conventional septic system, the soil “cleans” the wastewater but for alternative systems, most “cleaning” takes place in an advanced treatment unit.

UV filters in households

Effluent can easily contaminate the environment, especially when separation distances to wells, rivers or the water table are not adequate. In such a scenario, Ultraviolet Light filtration units can be implemented. The UV filter is typically included in the pump chamber, following the treatment and just before the wastewater is discharged to the drainfield. UV units are effective in removing bacteria. The UV filter unit needs to be maintained by replacing the UV lamp as needed. An alarm system can be used to help the system owner to know when the lamp goes out for whatever reason.

Phosphorus removal in restaurants

Phosphorus removal is one of the main advantages of alternative septic systems. The ability of conventional septic systems to remove phosphorus is limited. In the typical septic system, phosphorous is usually retained in the soil under the drainfield. The concentration of phosphorus in home-based systems may not be too much but when dealing with effluent from restaurants, it helps to have a better way of phosphorus removal and this is where the alternative septic systems come in.

What is a grease trap and where are they found?

If you are a restaurant owner, you are probably familiar with grease traps. A grease trap is an additional septic treatment component that is usually placed just before the septic tank. Grease traps are a requirement for establishments that produce lots of fat, oils, and grease (FOG). This is why grease traps are a requirement for restaurants that have septic systems. The grease trap slows down the flow of hot/warm oily water thereby giving it a chance to cool. As the water cools down, the FOG separates from the water thereby floating on top of the grease trap. Grease traps should be pumped regularly because too much FOG accumulation can result in pipes clogging up.

How conventional septic systems work

How the septic tank works

A septic system is comprised of the pipes from the house, the septic tank, the drainfield, and billions of enzymes and bacteria. The septic tank is a watertight container, usually made from concrete, fiberglass, or polyethylene. The size of the tank is determined by the number of bedrooms in the house. For instance, the tank of a one-bedroomed house should have a capacity of at least 750 gallons while the tank of a house with 6 bedrooms should have a capacity of at least 1,400 gallons. Wastewater flows into the tank from one end and leaves after the solids have been removed via another end into the drain field. The drainfield is also referred to as a tile bed, a leaching bed or a leach field. The drain field is where the treated wastewater from the septic tank is released for further processing. Without it, the septic tank would overflow and result in bad odors –  which is exactly what happens if the drain field blocks. Additionally, most modern septic tanks come with a septic tank filter whose purpose is to trap any particles that might be trying to escape into the drainfield. The filter, therefore, helps to prevent clogging in the leach field thereby increasing its efficiency and longevity.

Functions of the septic tank

The septic tank holds the water for some time to allow the solid waste to settle down (sludge) while oil and grease float at the top (scum). The enzymes and bacteria in the septic tank facilitate the decomposition of solid wastes. This is why septic tanks do not fill up quickly and need emptying after a few years. It is advisable to avoid pouring toxic waste down the drain because such waste can alter the pH of the system. Enzymes and bacteria flourish in non-acidic environments so if the pH level gets altered, the microorganisms might die.  A typical septic tank has two compartments. The first compartment makes up for 2/3 of the tank and it holds the solid waste. The second compartment, which is 1/3 of the tank, holds the liquid before it is discharged to the drainfield. Wastewater flows from the solid compartment into the liquid compartment through a small opening in the middle of the wall that divides the two compartments.

How the drain field works

The wastewater is usually pushed into the drain field whenever new wastewater is added into the septic tank. Partially treated wastewater leaves the septic tank into the drainfield where it is released into the soil for further treatment. A drainfield is typically an interconnection of perforated laterals (mostly PVC plastic pipes) that have been laid in gravel-filled beds. Effluent trickles out of the pipes and then passes through the gravel and into the soil. As the wastewater percolates, the soil filters it and it is also treated by microbes in the soil before it reaches the groundwater.

The septic system life expectancy

On average, a septic tank should last for 20-30 years. However, how long the system lasts largely depends on whether or not it was installed properly and if or not it is receiving proper care and maintenance. Your septic tank might be out of sight but that should never make you think it should also be out of mind. Apart from the regular pumping every couple of years as required by the law, it is a good idea to do some routine monthly maintenance. For instance, adding biological additives can help the microorganisms in the septic tank to be healthier and this will help the septic tank to function more optimally. The products you use can also impact on how long your system lasts. If you keep dumping toxic substances down the drain, your septic tank will most likely fail quicker than usual.

Another factor that determines the longevity of the septic system is soil quality. Different types of soil have different structures, texture as well as drainage capability. The structure of the soil is usually affected by natural processes like wetting, drying, and freezing. These processes result in pores at the various layers of the soil. Soils that have more interconnected pores are the best for septic tanks. Soils that have poor drainage ability are not ideal for septic systems. If you keep seeing puddles in your yard, it could be a tell-tale sign that your soil has poor drainage ability.

What are the signs of a failing septic system?

The following are some of the tell-tale signs that your septic tank is failing:

  • When sinks, bathtubs, and showers drain very slowly
  • When you hear gurgling sounds in the plumbing system
  • Damp spots near the drainfield area
  • Bad odors around the septic tank
  • High levels of coliform bacteria in the water wells
  • Grass getting greener and taller around the septic tank
  • Water and sewage from the toilet, the sinks, and drains backing up into the home (yuck!)

What would cause a septic tank to back up?

The signs of a septic tank back-up are somewhat similar to those of a blocked sewer line. A typical septic system has a two-chamber tank. Wastewater from the house enters the first chamber of the tank where digestion and subsequent liquefying of the organic waste begins. Solids that cannot be digested by the bacteria and enzymes settle down in the tank forming the sludge layer. Liquid waste then flows into the second chamber of the tank for more digestion after which it goes into the drainfield for the final purification before the treated wastewater is fed back to the water cycle. The drainfield is arguably the most sensitive part of the septic tank because if it blocks, the whole system will fail.


The biomat

As time elapses, the soil around the underground pipes in the drain field stops allowing more liquid to flow through. This is often blamed on a variety of factors including poor maintenance and using other products like liquid detergent. However, the truth is that regular use of the septic system is all it takes to get your drain field blocked – even if you do not use any harmful products. After a couple of years of consistent use of the septic system, the soil around the leach field will be colonized with slimy microbes which typically develop a “biomat” that makes it hard for water to percolate in the soil. This is the leading cause of backups in homes. The following are some of the other causes of septic backups:

Non-flushable products

Lots of the products we use for personal hygiene are actually not supposed to be flushed in the toilet. These include paper towels, sanitary pads, tampons, baby wipes, cotton wool, and dental floss. These products can get stuck in the plumbing or in the inlet of the septic tank. This causes the water to back up in the house. As a rule of thumb, do not flush any of these products – even if they are marked “flushable.”

Hydraulic overload

Hydraulic overload happens when your septic tank receives too much water at one go, which causes the wastewater to back up. To avoid this from happening, space out activities like laundry, running of the dishwasher, showering, etc. Sometimes, hydraulic overloading can be caused by unusually wet weather. Replacing old fixtures that are prone to leaks with newer ones can also help you reduce the water that is sent down the drain.

The commonest cause of septic system failure

All septic systems will eventually fail. However, some septic systems fail way ahead of time for various reasons. The biggest reason for premature septic system failure is lack of proper care and maintenance, overuse of the system especially for big families, or sometimes due to a poor soil type. Another cause for septic system failure is the harmful products we use at home. The average homeowner pours hundreds of traceable chemical pollutants down the drain through various household products. Any product that can potentially harm the bacteria in the septic tank will eventually result in system failure if sent down the drain.

The following are some of the main reasons why septic systems fail.

Clogged drainfield

Sometimes, organic waste will escape the first chamber of the septic tank into the second chamber and then eventually find its way into the drainfield. This organic waste will accumulate in the rocks, pipes and everywhere in the drainfield area thereby clogging it up. A clogged drainfield will result in backups in the home and the wastewater might also overflow out of the septic tank.

Tree roots

Tree roots can cause septic backups if they penetrate the septic tank or the drain field. Trees and shrubs usually have invasive root structures that keep spreading in wet areas and they can easily spread through the drainfield or cracks in the concrete septic tank. The roots could cause the pipes to break or they might even completely block the pipes. You should, therefore, avoid planting trees and shrubs near the drain field when landscaping your property.

Toxic waste

Bacteria play a vital role in breaking down waste in the septic system. When you send toxic waste down the drain, the bacteria will be adversely affected. Without these helpful bacteria, solid waste will not be broken down and the septic tank will fill up quickly which will result in clogging.

Heavy machinery

Heavy machinery, like vehicles, passing over the septic tank can cause damage to the pipes or even the tank due to the pressure exerted. Make sure to clearly mark out the location of the septic tank if any construction work is to be done on site.

The effect of groundwater contamination

The law is now very strict on septic system maintenance and with good reason too. Contaminants like heavy metals, toxic chemicals, toxic household products, and even waste from small commercial establishments could easily find their way in the groundwater when the system is not functioning properly. As the Department of Health observes, untreated domestic wastewater usually contains bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms that can cause diseases like hepatitis, dysentery, and typhoid fever. Usually, these pathogens are either removed or reduced to negligible levels in a properly functioning septic system. Septic systems can also contribute to the pollution of the environment if they are not properly maintained. For instance, not removing nitrogen and phosphorus from the wastewater can result in nutrient pollution. It is, therefore, of uttermost importance to ensure the septic system is well taken care of because this will prevent groundwater contamination.

Using the Dye tracer test to test the health of your systemv

flushing the dye tracer tablets. You just flush 8 tablets in your toilet and if your system is failing, you will notice the dye color on the ground around your leach field within a few days. These tablets are made using a very powerful dye so you may want to use caoutchouc gloves when handling them. However, the tablets are biodegradable and will not cause any harm to your septic system. The dye will also disappear from the ground in a couple of days. Bio-Sol has the best product for the dye tracer test. You can order it here

Using the percolation test to determine your soil’s percolation rate

A percolation test is the surest way of determining how fast the soil absorbs water. This test is usually performed in preparation for building a septic system. The percolation test helps to guestimate how quickly the water from the septic system will percolate once discharged into the drainfield.  Here are the steps engineers follow when performing a percolation test on your property:

  1. First, they dig a hole of approximately 2 feet deep in the area designated for the installation of the septic system
  2. They then pour water in the hole until the surrounding soil is completely saturated by the water and then refill the hole and use a tape measure to determine the depth of the water
  3. Next, they wait for exactly half an hour and then use the tape measure to measure the depth of the remaining water again
  4. Finally, they calculate the rate of percolation using the formula (30 minutes / (the initial water depth-the final water depth). For example, 30/ (20-16) = 7.5. In this example, we will say the soil has a percolation rate of  7.5 minutes per inch.

What is the average cost of replacing a septic system?

The cost replacing your septic system will be anything from C$10,000 – C$30,000. The exact figure will depend on whether you are installing a conventional system or an advanced one. The conventional system will be cheaper (C$10,000 – C$15,000) and the advanced systems will cost much more (C$15,000 – C$30,000). These ballpark figures are minus the maintenance costs. For instance, every septic system owner is required by law to pump their system every couple of years.

Because the cost to replace a septic tank is quite steep, you should only go that route as a last resort. If your system fails, try unclogging the drainfield by doing a shock treatment.  Bio-Sol’s shock treatment has an 80% success rate so there is a good chance you can save thousands of dollars by taking this route.

How to choose the best septic system for your needs?

Septic systems come in different shapes, types, and sizes. Not every type of septic system is suitable for every situation. The following are the important considerations to make in order to choose the most ideal septic system for your property.

The size of the tank

The biggest determinant of the most ideal size of a septic tank is the amount of water used in the household. If you use less than 500 gallons of water a month, then a septic tank with a capacity of 900 gallons would be needed. If you use over 500 gallons of water, then a 1200-gallon capacity septic tank should suffice. In some regions, city bylaws might have a standard size that is required for each household. For instance, in Quebec, the size of the tank is determined by the number of bedrooms in a house. The following table gives the recommended tank sizes in Quebec.

Number of bedrooms Minimum number of tanks in gallons
1-2  750
3 1000
4 1250
5 1250
6 1400

Septic system design

You need the help of an engineer to design your septic system. There is no one-size-fits-all. The engineer will have to examine your property and recommend the best design for your unique situation. For instance, the engineer might recommend connecting the septic tank to a drainfield or they might recommend using a bioreactor as an advanced secondary treatment. Tertiary treatment solutions like UV filter and phosphorous removal might also be recommended in some situations. The engineer will explain why they are recommending the design.

Whether a pump is needed

In normal scenarios, wastewater flows from the septic tank into the drainfield purely by the force of gravity. But there are some situations where the leach field might be higher. In such cases, you will need to use a pump, also known as a lift station. The pump usually pumps water out of the tank whenever a predetermined level is reached. The choice of whether or not to have a lift station will largely be influenced by the gradient of your land. The septic system that uses a lift station will not work if the pump is broken. It is therefore very important to inspect the pump annually just to confirm that it is still up and running. The system should also have an alarm that can warn you if the pump fails.

Can a septic drain field be repaired or unclogged?

It may be possible to repair or unclog your drain field.  The drain field repair will restore your septic system to proper working condition.  Shock treatment is the most effective way of repairing or unclogging a septic drain field.  Shock treatment products made from enzymes and bacteria can rejuvenate the helpful bacteria in the septic system. The billions of the bacteria introduced through the additives will help in breaking down the septic waste that might be clogging up the drain field. This is the best method of repairing the drain field because it is noninvasive, inexpensive and very effective.  Bio-Sol has the best shock treatment products. The products do an awesome job of degreasing blocked pipes and the leach field as well as breaking down encrusted septage. You can find out more details here

How to keep your drain field from getting blocked again

After repairing your blocked system drain, you should immediately set up a maintenance schedule and then stick to it. For instance, we recommend the addition of biological additives every month. This will make sure any organic waste is digested properly which will ultimately give you a healthier septic system. Make sure to stick to the maintenance routine religiously. You can use a scheduling app or an alarm on your phone to help you remember the monthly routine. It is important to stick to the maintenance schedule because the septic tank ecosystem will adapt to the additives.

Caution: not all additives are equal. Some of them might actually cause more harm than good. What makes Bio-Sol additives unique is that they are made from enzymes and bacteria. This makes them 100% safe for your septic system. You can order Bio-Sol’s additives by clicking here.

How do you stop your septic tank from smelling?

Septic odors are a common phenomenon in septic tanks. These odors usually result from pH levels that are too acidic.  As the microorganisms in the septic system digest the organic waste, they produce methane gas, hydrogen sulfide, and some organic acids. These by-products can spike pH levels in the tank and if the acidity gets too much, the bacteria might stop digesting the organic waste. Hydrogen sulfide has a pungent smell and when it is released, the septic system starts smelling awful.  If you find yourself in this predicament, there are a number of things you can do to stop the bad smell.

The first tip is to try to avoid overusing water. Hydraulic overload causes the septic tank to push out wastewater prematurely. This will result in a bad odor emanating from the drain field. Flushing or pouring products that cannot be digested by microorganisms down the drain is another leading cause for septic odors. Examples of such products include coffee ground, plastics, kitten litter, cigarette butts, facial tissues, etc. As a rule of thumb, anything that is non-biodegradable should be disposed of in the trashcan. Another useful tip is using a buffer to regulate the pH levels in the septic tank. There are some specially formulated buffers that are ideal for septic systems, like the ones you find in Bio-Sol’s biological additives. You could also try using baking soda.

How to keep your septic system healthy

Many septic tanks fail because their owners do not know how to keep their systems healthy.  Here are some simple steps you can take to keep your septic tank healthy.

Don’t flush chemicals and toxic waste

Certain chemicals can result in a serious case of indigestion of the waste. You should avoid flushing certain chemicals like thinners, solvents, nail polisher removers, laundry bleaches, and other household products that are toxic. Such chemicals can poison the bacteria that are supposed to break down the organic material. If you are not sure whether something can be flushed or not, do not flush it.

Don’t pour grease and fat

Septic systems will not digest any grease, oils or fats that you pour down your sink. The grease can congeal in the pipes and this results in blockages. Some of the greases may also combine with detergents and find its way into the drain field where it clogs the soil. Grease and fat waste should, therefore, be disposed of in the wastebasket.

Don’t overload the system

A septic system is a sluggish creature mainly because the microorganisms need time to digest the waste. Retention time in the septic tank is of utmost importance as it gives the system ample time to separate the solids from the liquids. For this reason, avoid using too much water because that can easily overload the system causing it to send wastewater into the drainfield before it is properly treated.  One way to avoid using too much water is to try spreading out the laundry instead of doing too much of it in a single day.

Protect the system from external damage

Driving heavy machinery and cars over the septic tank can result in structural damage of the tank. Additionally, the soil surrounding the septic system pipes will also get compacted by the pressure exerted and this will make it less absorbent. Roots can also penetrate the pipes and septic tank thereby causing serious damage to the system. Avoid planting trees and shrubs near the septic tank to avoid this from happening.

Regular maintenance

Regular maintenance is an often overlooked step but it plays a vital role in ensuring a healthy septic system. Apart from the mandatory pumping of the system every couple of years as stipulated in the law, you should also come up with a monthly maintenance routine. Always look for signs of failure from time to time in order to nip any problem in the bud. The bacteria in the septic system are the most important component of the system and a great way of making sure they flourish is to use biological additives on a monthly basis to ensure the system stays healthy.

How often do you have to clean out your septic tank?

Generally speaking, you need to clean out your septic tank every few years depending on the provincial legislation. That notwithstanding, how often you empty your tank will depend on how much water you use. Generally speaking, households that produce a lot of wastewater will need to pump their tanks more often than those that have less wastewater. Obviously, even households that do not have too much wastewater still need to stick to the bare minimum pumping schedule as stipulated in the provincial legislation. How your care for the system will also affect how often you need to clean out your septic tank. If you keep using products that aren’t biodegradable, the sludge will build up faster and your tank will, therefore, need more frequent pumping.

How much sludge should a septic tank have?

Sludge refers to the solid waste that settles at the bottom of the septic tank. These solids typically settle at the bottom of the tank because they cannot be dissolved in the septic tank and will therefore only be removed by pumping. As a rule of thumb, the sludge should be pumped out of the septic tank when it gets to 12 inches from the bottom of the tank.

What is bad for septic tanks?

The septic tank relies on the bacteria and enzymes for liquefying of the septic waste. For this reason, any product that can interfere with the wellbeing of these microorganisms is bad for the septic system. Some products might not harm the microorganisms but they will affect the septic tanks negatively because they cannot be digested by bacteria. Such products should also be avoided by septic system owners.  The following are some of the main classifications of products that are bad for the septic tank.

Toxic chemicals/ waste – any product that is toxic should not be flushed or washed down the drain. Examples of such products include paint, solvents, products that have races of different acids, etc. Toxic waste will kill helpful bacteria which can cause your septic system to fail.

Fats, Oil, and Grease (FOG) – FOG will not be broken down by bacteria in the septic tank. Instead, it will combine with detergents forming a compound that will end up blocking the soil in the drain field area.

Anything that is not biodegradable – things like dental floss, hair, condoms, kitty litter, etc. should never be flushed in the toilet because they are not biodegradable.

Pharmaceuticals – antibiotics are specifically made to fight bacteria so flushing them poses a risk to the helpful bacteria in the septic tank. Avoid flushing any pharmaceuticals

Should you put additives in your septic tank?

Additives can be used to fasten the digestion of solid waste, rejuvenate the absorption of clogged sols in the drain field area as well as breakup scum. It is a good idea to use additives because they can help to improve the health of your septic tank. There is a lot of misinformation about additives. Some people argue that bacteria are added to the septic system each time you flush the toilet so there is no need to add them. While this is true, it is also true that most homeowners unsuspectingly flush harmful compounds that can easily kill bacteria in the septic system. In fact, the average septic tank has at least 100 traceable chemical pollutants. For this reason, it is a good idea to use additives to boost the system. But you must be extra careful when choosing an additive. Not all additives are made equal and some will do you more harm than good. There are three broad categories of additives as described below.

Types of additives

Inorganic additives – these additives are often used to clear up clogged drains. However, they are not recommended for septic system owners because they are comprised of acids and strong alkalis which can be toxic to the helpful bacteria in the system.

Organic additives – organic solvents are usually used as plumbing degreasers. However, they are also not recommended for septic tank owners because they are mostly made of strong chemicals that might kill bacteria in the septic tank.

Biological additives – they are made of bacteria and enzymes and are therefore very safe for septic systems. Biological additives can be used for shock treatment every month to make your septic tank function optimally.


When compared to sewer systems, septic systems are harder and more complicated to maintain. Most homeowners who use sewer systems do not have to worry about what is going down their drain because the municipal council is in charge of the maintenance of the sewer systems. But as a septic system owner, you have to be extra careful not to damage your system by sending harmful products down your drain. If you do this and diligently stick to recommended routine maintenance practices, your septic system will function optimally for a long time.  Should you run into any trouble with your septic system, feel free to call us and we will be happy to help. We have been working in this industry since 1992 and have expert and hands-on knowledge on all septic-related issues. You can talk to one of our consultants by calling us at 1-800-378-6132.

About the author


CEO at Bio-Sol

Our goal is not only to offer you the best products on the market but also to educate and empower you with the insights you need for successful wastewater treatment.


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